Friday, 24 December 2010

EU Petition for Free Access to herbal Medicine

I wanted to share with you an article from Dr. Hulda Clark Research center regarding the herbal medicine and EU laws. This clearly shows again how all is about money and the profits for the pharmaceutical companies, not about our health! Hope you enjoy this:

There has been a lot of talk in Europe lately about the Traditional Herbal Medicine Directive which will be in full effect for all 27 member states as of 1 April 2011, after a seven year transition period. It has raised a lot of concerns that many herbs will not be available any longer after this.
Let me start by explaining a little about the Directive, because there are many alarming e-mails going around which are not quite correct, saying that "all herbs will be banned" and so forth.
In the US and in Europe, medicinal claims are not legal for nutritional products, even though they are well documented scientifically. To sell the same product with a medicinal claim (which includes any preventive purposes!), it has to be registered as a new drug, the same way as any pharmaceutical drug. How costly the process to register a new drug is can be seen from the fact that the FDA only gets about two dozen applications per year. For an herb, which cannot be patented, it would be all but impossible for any small company to register it as a medicine.
The authorities' true purpose is, of course, to clearly distinguish between foods which are "useless for medicinal purposes" and medicines which are effective. Of course we all know that this is not true and serves only the industry.
Europe has decided that it should be easier to sell traditional herbal medicines and for that purpose has created a law that reduces the cost and effort it takes to register an herb as a traditional herbal medicine. So one would think that this law should be welcomed by the natural health community. And it is, by some.
But the Directive is a double edged sword.
The positive side is that herbs can be sold with their medicinal claims and the registration of a traditional herbal remedy will cost no more than maybe $100,000 per product. Still a lot, but still affordable even for a small company, for a limited amount of products.
But there are substantial negatives:
  • Some herbs may be deemed toxic and disallowed form the process of being registered altogether. Again the authorities display the same attitude here they generally display, namely that for pharmaceutical drugs it is OPK when people drop dead when taking them (see the Starfield report); but for natural remedies, no one must ever have the slightest side effects.
  • Only herbs that have been used traditionally fall under this Directive. Paradoxically, this rules out most Traditional Herbal Medicine, which has been in use for a couple of thousand years -- because it is not traditional IN EUROPE.
  • Furthermore, the authorities lay down standards for such remedies. Those may require standardized extracts or other requirements, but those procedures sometimes require an adulteration of the natural product. The customer will therefore not have a choice in the matter any longer.
  • Finally, the most important question is which herbs will MANDATORILY have to be registered as traditional herbal remedies and which can be sold as nutritional supplements without medicinal claims, like they have been. The only Government I know that has set down half way clear rules about this is the British. In a nutshell, their rule is that if an herb has any history of food use, it can be sold as a nutritional supplement, but if it does not, it has to be a traditional herbal remedy. That means that a number of herbs will disappear as of 1 April, 2011 unless the company has gone through the registration process. The process takes about 2 years, so this can't be remedied quickly. Other Governments have not commented and only time will tell whether this turns into a major issue or whether life will mostly go on the same way.
For detailed information I recommend the ANH website (Alliance for Natural Health), the ANH being the most active and competent entity fighting for health freedom in Europe. I also encourage you to support the ANH with donations, as it is very much needed. I have supported the ANH in the past but most our donations go to the US/International health Freedom fight, namely to the National Council for Health Freedom, where we are the main sponsor. Our means are not sufficient to save the whole planet so I would like to encourage everyone to help the ANH in the European fight.


Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Cholesterol - the big scam - and we believe it

Cholesterol - the big scam

For years we have been thought that high cholesterol levels are bad for us and that we can die if we do not fix them by medication. Is this a big scam? Can we really trust the doctors and the officials? What is behind the decisions when officials are making their recommendations and decisions.

What are some facts about cholesterol?
1) over 75 year olds having higher cholesterol levels live longer
2) cholesterol is a tread to young men from 30-47 years
3) higher cholesterol is not causing high mortality after 48years of age

Cholesterol is not the cause but the sign:
How does the cholesterol get attached to the veins? Two professors in Finland were not so convinced of the official view of the matter so they (P.Tuohimaa, M.Järvilehto) studied the issue further. What they found was that a lack of oxygen (e.g. caused by smoking tobacco) results injury in the veins, infection causes blood-block and that can cause a heart-attack. Instead of cholesterol being the cause of the problem, cause seems to be the lack of oxygen and high blood-pressure, not cholesterol.

Statins - medication used for high cholesterol
What are statins? Statins are used to lower the bad cholesterol. Statins were found when it was discovered that so called red-rice lowered the cholesterol levels of people eating them. Red color on the rice is actually a type of mold. This mold has naturally high quantity of statins in it. When it it was discovered that statins lower cholesterol levels, statins were developed as a medicine. So if you are eating red rice to lower your cholesterol you are actually eating mold - statins.

What is bad cholesterol?
LDL is supposed to be the "BAD" cholesterol. But study in England showed that the more LDL level got lower the more mortality rate got higher.... interesting!!! If high LDL levels would be the cause of heart attacks then people why is it that many people with high cholesterol do not die for heart attacks?

What are the The hidden side-effects of Statins?
Study in US of a drug called Inegy showed that it is harmful and causes e.g. pancreatic-infections, problems in legs, weakened eye-sight. Study was hidden from the public for 2 years and thousands of people were still eating the medication. In Finland the medication was still used in the Fall of 2010 - some years after the study was made.

What is the situation in Finland?
In Finland some 100 000 people use statins. Seems that doctors can't connect the 60% higher rate of pancreatic infections to the medicine. Some 6 people die each year for the infections. Probably more since doctors do not normally connect the infection and statins.

Why the sudden change in the study results of medication?
10 trials done after 2007 show all negative results - in other words they showed that using cholesterol medication was harmful. Trials done before 2007 cannot be considered reliable since then the negative results were not controlled. From 2007 also the negative results of medication trials have to be published. Before negative results were hidden from public. According to a researcher in France "All trails were manipulated before year 2007".

Why do the doctors doing research approve these false trials?
Cholesterol-hypotheses - if you support that hypotheses you can be sure of financial support from pharmaceutical companies. For a researcher this is something very important. Research relies on financial support. Livelihood relies on ongoing research. It is understandble that in such a situation it is easy to look the other way and approve the manipulated trials. But who is taking care of the little people? The ones dyeing for bad medication?

Let me know what you think...leave a comment!

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Theamy health blog

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Low-fat versus high-fat diets - Fat-war

I've been following the FAT-WAR in the Finnish TV and Newspapers. There is two different sides, those sticking to the old low-fat diet instructions and then those who talk strongly against this old-fashioned Low-fat diet system. Before mentioning my personal view, let's see the origin of the low-fat diet.

The start for the low-fat-diet came as early as in the 1940's when there was an idea that high-fat diet and heart decease have something to do with each others. In the 50's and 60's there were studies about the same issue. In 1957 a report said that “It must be emphasized that there is as yet no final proof that heart attacks or strokes will be prevented by such measures (low-fat-diet)." Similar beliefs were prevalent in the 70's and 80's. While the obesity and heart decease was found to be connected the studies still did not give proof that high-fat diet is causing cholesterol or heart decease. It still remained as a popular belief, but not as a proofed fact.

How did the belief that low-fat-diet is best diet become a International official view for the "correct diet"? In 1977 in US a committee of Dietary Goals gave a report stating the new official diet plan. The report recommended that Americans eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry and fish, but less meat, eggs, and high-fat foods Same report recommended that they substitute nonfat for whole milk. Sound familiar? This same is in use today in 2010 in many countries - Finland included. Scientists were not agreeing with this hypotheses as they said. Since it was not proved by scientific studies. This was done under a strong pressure from the food industry in US. Why did the food industry want to promote low-fat foods? By the 1980s food producers had begun to realize that low-fat could provide profit-making opportunities. By the 1990's the food pyramid was published - recommending the same low-fat - high carbohydrates/sugar diet. Still today the food pyramid is widely used. 

What have been the results of this low-fat diet? Diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol have sky-rocketed. Alcoholism and mental problems have sky-rocketed. Why? To supplement the lack of fat in the diet food industry has used sugar and carbohydrates and trans-fatty acids. Never have people as a hole been so fat before. Shouldn't low-fat diet do just the opposite? No fat is not the bad guy in the diet. Cause for diabetes and obesity and high cholesterol is sugar and glucose (carbohydrates transform into glucose in the body). Alcoholism has a connection with high sugar diet and interestingly also maybe with high grain-diet. (Consider American Indians who have not consumed wheat earlier and suffer the highest levels of alcoholism and also Finns who have only had grains in their diet for some tens of year also suffer high percentage of alcoholism. Compare this to the Mediterraneans who have been using grains for hundreds of years.) Mental problems have a connection with low-fat diet since our brain is over 50% of fat (a lot of being cholesterol!!!). With low-fat diet our brains are not getting enough fat. We are in fact starving while over-eating sugars and carbohydrates.

What kind of effects are people experimenting while eating high-fat low sugar/carbohydrate diet? Doctor of Medicine Antti Heikkilä in Finland has listed some 96 deceases that his patients have gotten rid of by eating high-fat low carb diet (mentioned in Akuutti Tv-program in 10/2010). These range from diabetes to alcoholism and many others (Yes alcholisim, seems eating low-carb diet stops the alcohol graving. Check out Ph.D. Joan Mathews Larsons books about Mental health and Alcoholism). In general within just a few days low-carb diet brings added energy and rapid weight-loss. This requires that carbohydrates consumption is max 75 g per day. How much is 75g of carbs? 100g of bread is about 60g carbs. 3,5 kg of cabbage has about 75g. So you can eat a lot of vegetable!

Are there any dangers in low-carb diet? No as long as you use fats like butter, fat from meats, eggs and olive-oil not from linoleic fatty-acids (Omega 6) or trans-fatty acids (in most ready-foods). Test it yourself and see the results. If you don't feel much better within one month (or actually you should feel better in a week) you haven't lost anything. Just remember to check out all theingredients in foods you consume. Remember industry adds sugar even to meat-products!!! Amazing when you think of it! Check the labels! Check the labels! Check the labels! 

So by now you can figure out side I have taken. Within some years I have been reading books like "Melt the fat away" by Susan Sommers, Eat yourself slim by Michael Montignac , Dr Richard K.Bernsteind MD book about Diabetes Solution and Dr. Atkins books and so on. All these bring out the same issue, we get too much sugars and carbs and therefore our body is producing too much insulin. The end result will be diabetes if we do not watch out. 

So who are we to believe? Real question here is that what is the origin of the believe that low-fat-diet is healthy? It was a political issue, not a result of scientific research. This is the key issue here! There are several new studies that show low-carb diet brings good results both in weigh-loss and cholesterol levels. There are still today no studies that would connect high-fat (low carb) diet to heart attach or high cholesterol. There are studies that connect high cholesterol to heart attacks yes, but that is not the same thing. You can get high cholesterol while eating fatty foods IF YOU EAT THEM TOGETHER WITH CARBS AND SUGARS!!! That is the key, not fat itself! When insulin is not produced in the body (in low carb diet) the fat you consume does not store in your body.

The best part of the low-carb diet is that you can eat all the butter you want and enjoy your food. Food actually tastes good!


Useful links:

Click here:

Article about the Origin of low-fat diet

Interview of Dr. Antti Heikkilä in Finnish

Friday, 8 October 2010

Natural medicine verses official FDA's?

Can we trust the official FDA's (Federal Drug Administration) and alike in different countries? Each country has it's own official department responsible for the "official view" of different treatments and medicine. Can these be trusted? What is their relationship to commercial institutes?

Let me first tell you why I am interested of the issue. I was a sickling as a child, constantly having different infections, low immune and antibiotics after antibiotics. By the teenage years I was having antibiotics once a month. I felt myself so tired, and this was supposed to be a "time of my life".  I understood that this cannot go on. I was feeling worse and worse with prescription medicine and that doctors could not fix me.

The peak point was when after straining my back I was given strong painkillers for my back. I could hardly sit down the pain was so bad, but the doctors treated me like someone just wanting to get time off from work. After eating painkillers for a few weeks the problem escalated, I got an infection in my gullet (due to eating so many painkillers). Now I had a new problem that needed medication. 5 months I suffered this problem and was eating medication for the infection. I was dead tired due to high infection levels. And way? Due to the painkillers given to me by the doctor. No more I thought! I went to the library and started reading and reading. I found a book called "Natural Cure with Apple cider and honey" by Dr. Jarvis. Simple remedy cured my infection in just one week - something that the medicine from the doctor could not do in 5 months. That really changed my life!

Ever since then I have been on a request of methods to treat different sicknesses in natural ways. I have read and again re-read many books. Tried many methods. I feel better now than ever before, definitely better than for years. I haven't used an antibiotics for 10 years. I don't go to the doctors if they do not use homeopathy as well. I have learned about sicknesses and cures for them. My friends call me to find out about different options to treat themselves or their loved ones. If I don't know what to do I find out different methods and cures. I can't help myself, I just need to know!

But let's get back to the FDA's. I use plural because I mean all similar officials in different countries. Why do they not accept natural medicine or natural ways of treatment? Bottom line is MONEY. Yes you read it correctly - Money! FDA's are married to Pharmaceutical companies. Doctors are married with Pharmaceutical companies. My mother, who worked for years for a University for the Pharmacological department, always said that doctors are married with the Pharmaceutical companies. How so? These companies start to woe the soon-to-be-doctors already before they graduate. Weekend trips, all you can eat and drink gatherings. Free this free that... By the time they graduate they are fully hooked.

Is it the goal of the Pharmaceutical companies to cure people? Not at all! Why would they want people to get cured? They would loose money. Their goal is to get people hooked into drugs, regular drugs. That is also more profitable for the doctors. In US doctors often give you a prescription for only one month. Why so? That you have to go to visit your doctor again in one month. Hey  - that's regular money for them. In Finland doctors often give you a prescription for 3-6 months even for a hole year. Why is that? The public health system means they get the same payment each month, no matter if you come each month or not.

What proof there is that the FDA's are not always there for the public, but have their own motives? Check out the Burzynski Movie. This doctor was fighting for year against FDA. FDA was trying to steel his work because they did not want a doctor to get the patent for the medicine. FDA had selfish goals (together with the Pharmaceutical companies ofcause) for this new medicine.

Here another example of a cure for cancer that the FDA has dismissed.
Why is that? You cannot make money with this!

Another good example of a scientist that has given her research to the public and has helped thousands of people (yours truly included) has been Biologist Dr. Hulda Clark. She was thrown into prison for practising medicine when she was doing scientific research (as a biologist) by using a machine she helped to develop Syncrometer. 

If you still believe that doctors and officials tell you the truth or that they goal is to get you healed - think again! Do not let others choose for you. Find out for yourself. Do a bit of research. Ask around. Read and test methods like Bioresonance by Dr. Clark. Don't be a victim! But do try anything without doing some research first!


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Here still an interesting Book about cholesterol!

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Feeling tired? Is it a flu? Are you radioactive?

Feeling tired? Does it feel like the flu-season started too early this year? Are  you living in Finland? If you said yes to those questions you might have something quite different than the regular seasonal flu.

"Flu-season" started this year in the middle of the August. Seasonal flu's for the autumn never start in the middle of August! How is it possible that all people are sick all of a sudden and at the same time? And what is a flu that has all the normal sumptoms like tiredness, throat and sinus reactions, but seems like the flue doesn't really come with full force?

Interestingly this year (2010) together with the "flu" came the smoke from Russian forest fires. They started in August and reached Finland and Baltic in the middle of August. Officials both in Russia and Finland were reassuring the public that there is no harm with the smoke. Just do not do outdoors exercise in the heavy smoke.

I of cause were not really listening the officials. That day when we got the heaviest dose of the smoke in Helsinki I of cause were doing my favourite summer hobby - kayaking at the sea... not a good choice in retrospect. When the air was full of smoke I was enjoying the some-what smoky scenery in front of Helsinki. Yes, sure I noticed the smoke, but would I let it bother my love - kayaking at the sea? Of cause not! Nothing would keep me away from the sea in the summer time if time and weather permits.

Well the symptoms started the same evening, tiredness. The next day I had to take a nap during the day time - me a nap. I never do that!!! I could not even think of sleeping during the day time. I am always full awake from the minute I wake up until 11-12 pm in the evening. No problems there normally. After that smoky day I had a nap during several days. And the days I didn't have a nap I felt like I'm dying. So tired, so exhausted. What was wrong with me? This was not normal, I thought. Autumn tiredness never catches me. Winter-tiredness, maybe, but this in the middle of the August? What was this?

Tiredness continued for 2 weeks, every day. Luckily I had an appointment with a doctor doing tests with bioresonance testing machine. The machine found some Hafnium in my body. Same was found in my brother and many other patiences the doctor had been treating during the few weeks before that. Hafnium, never heard of that. What is it? After some research I found that hafnium itself is not a radioactive substance, but it is used in mechanism of the nuclear-power-plant. But how did it end up in my body, in my thyroid clan? I have never been near a nuclear power-plant in my life - I think. And at least not for the last 6 months - time after my previous test in the same machine.

Research in the internet took me to a report done by some environmentalists that the Russian officials took to see the burning forests near Moscow. Report brings out that contrary to the official reports there were radioactive forests burning in Russia. Radioactive forests burning? Can that be? Yes, according to the report the satellite footage shows that also radioactive forest is also burning. So how does that link to our getting sick here in Finland?

The burning forest left smoke in the air - smoke with radioactive materials like hafnium. This hafnium spread to Finland among other countries - thanks to our strategic location next to Russia. This hafnium according to the reports causes the following symptoms: flu-like symptoms like sinus irritation, eye irritation, throat ache, ear irritation, tiredness. Sound familiar?

What to do with those symptoms? How does hafnium in the body affect us years to come? Worst scenario is an increase in breast and prostate cancers. But hey, I will not sit and wait for that, do I? No for sure I will not. Instead I took homoeopathic hafnium each weekday for about a month. The first week already I could feel the difference. I did not any more want to sleep at 8pm as the previous 2 weeks, but I could stay up as normally until 12pm. What a relief, no more tiredness! Back to my usual energetic self -  until the next Tschernobyl or dose of Tschernobyl waste.

What do we learn from this? Do not trust blindly to the officials and their "reports". Find out for yourself what's really going on!


Learn about the Cholesterol lie...Click Here!

Learn about Diabetes and the cure...Click Here!

Want to loose weight...Click Here!

Cholesterol free... read more