What is the connection of toxins and sicknesses?
Clean body is a healthy body. The more toxins we have in our body the more sick we are. For example tumors are body's way of hiding toxins your body is not able to eliminate by itself. Slow thyroid is a sign of thyroid-clan being too toxic to be able to work properly. Immune deficiency - HIV - is a sign of too much benzene in your body (check out Dr. Hulda Clark's book Cure for AIDS).What is the key to eliminating toxins from our body?
The key to staying healthy is our colon. Maybe you've heard the old saying "Death lives in the colon". That means if your colon is not working properly and is not clean, you are not healthy and are exposed to death-causing sicknesses. Other important functions are sweating, so make sure you exercise regularly and use sauna as often as possible.
What can you do to help your colon to work better?
Number 1. is definitely DRINK A LOT OF LIQUIDS!!! Most people do not drink enough, or then drink sugary "toxins" like CocaCola or similar. These are not helping your thirst but are causing even more toxins to accumulate (softdrinks are a source of chemicals like benzene). Drink herbal-tee's and boiled water (do not drink tap-water without boiling it first, tap-water is one source of toxins (don't believe all you are told by the officials). According to Dr. Robert Young and his PH-method we should drink even 1liter per every 15 kilos of weight. This will help you detoxify your body! Without enough liquids you might have problems with your bowel movement! Many herbal-teas help you eliminate toxins.
Number 2. is to have enough good bacterias in your colon! According to one study with mice, it took 1 Million Salmonella bacterias to start an infection. But after giving mice antibiotics it only took 10 Salmonella bacterias to start an infection. Imagine what a difference, just because of an antibiotics. So key is to have a good bacterial balance in your colon. How can you achieve it? Eat sower-cabbage and other fermented vegetables DAILY!!!! They are not only helping you to achieve a good bacterial-balance in your colon, but also adding fiber in your colon. Use products like Molkosan (by Vogel) Valmarin daily to add good bacterias to your colon. They speed up the elimination of toxins anyway. Do not use antibiotics, but find other ways to treat yourself with natural antibiotics like Tee Tree oil, Cats Claw, Grapefruid seed oil, Colloidal Silver, homeopathic antibiotics etc.
Number 3. Add FIBER in your diet! Vegetables are a good source of fiber, eat them several times a day. Eat a smoothy every day and add linen seeds and nuts in your daily smoothies (smoothy is a good snack in the afternoon in between lunch and dinner). Add Curcuma (turmeric) a in your smoothies. Curcuma is an excellent natural antibiotic and pain-relief remedy. You can also add cinnamon in the smoothy since it has a positive effect in your blood-sugar. Use risemilk or oatmilk instead of cow-milk (milk products add toxins in your liver).
Number 4. Use natural products that cause your bowel to work better.
- Aloe juice (to an empty stomach in the morning)
- Cold-pressed COCONUT OIL (use daily 1-2 tea-spoons) (Get up to 10$ off from first order) NOTE!!! If you have a slow thyroid then this will fasten your thyroid-function and you might need to readjust your thyroid-medication.
- PH-powders (alkaline body eliminates toxins better than acid one)
These are for example:
- Drink hot lemon-water in the morning (you can add some honey) to an empty stomach
- Salt-flush in the morning (drink first thing in the morning 1 liter of frizzy-water with 1-2 teaspoons of seasalt) an EXCELLENT color-cleaner!!!
- Bentonite Clay powder - use 2-3 times a day for cleaning up your cut! This has been used by african and asian women for centuries. Very effective method for cleaning up your cut! (Get up to 10$ off from your first iherb.com order by using this CouponCode QSG318 or use this link to order)
Number 5. Eat foods that clean your body. Vegetables and fruits are excellent. Use especially vegetables like celery, parsley, cucumber, onions, garlic, ginger. Use whole rise regularly rather than pasta or potatoes. Eat berries and fruits. Eat pineapple and papaya (with it's seeds). An excellent drink is pineapple-whole papaya, juice (non sweetened) and gin and ice. This drink is a good parasite-killer and is good to drink it at least during one day each month. Remember to eat every 3-4 hours to keep your bowel working (of cause you must eat smaller portions when eating several times during the day).
Number 6. Have regular cleanse weeks? If you are not up to a real fast (like Master Cleanse with lemon, cayenne pepper and maple syrup) you can also keep a rise-week (eat whole rise and vegetables only, no meat, no grains) or simply eat vegetables for 1-2 weeks. Have a cleanse when ever you feel tired, but at least twice a month. User enemas during your cleanse-weeks to cleanse your colon more effectively.
Make a liver-cleanse a regular part of your toxin-elimination program! Liver-cleanse instructions http://www.drclark.net/en/famous-liver-cleanse. Keeping your liver clean will help you in your toxin elimination.
Remember the more methods you add into your regular program, the more effective you are in your toxin elimination and the more healthier you are! Can you implement all of these methods into your regular program? Are you afraid that you'll forget to do these? Why not print this article and put it on your fridge-door! Then you cannot forget!
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- Amy